I’m not even sure how to describe what this is but I do know it’s something new for me. I’m not even sure exhausted is the proper word to describe the state I live in anymore. Something more along the lines of a dying pigeon living in Alaska in the winter, starving, all alone, and broken. But hey, I reckon that’s life as a lot of us know it, welcome to 2025, it’s down, it’s up, who knows where?….. anywhere but here… really I guess it all started when I was born…. 6lbs 6oz…… pink and female…. just kidding…..maybe we will have to go all the way back to my initial day on earth but for now we will probably start somewhere else random…more exciting…maybe…more depressing…maybe…. hilarious… for sure…. but welcome to my world….or what’s left of it. Enjoy the ride. I’m fine, It’s fine, everything’s fine.